Though the features above are covered by the RBH Integra32 Security Management System, additional features are available by upgrading to the RBH AxiomXa Security Management System.
Multi-site Systems with Both Central and Local Management
Managing multiple sites? Want to reduce local on-site presence or just add a fall back option for customer service and added security? Combine your properties with the AxiomV based command center or make it an accessible tool for central security office staff.
- • Global access and management from main office.
- • Local management access restricted to people and equipment on designated site only.
- • Access to high end features even at small sites: software package is shared, reducing initial costs.
Wandering Patient Functionality
Lock a door when a patient approaches, disable an elevator when patient gets in - prevent them from wandering off without supervision.
• Variety of sensor and tag technologies can be used
• Pure logic control
• Supports any Wiegand connected reader
Additional Parking Controls
• Counting of available parking spots, “Full” sign operation.
• Allow only a limited number of parking uses.
• Advanced Anti-passback functionality with “drive through” interlock.
Helps security contractors to familiarize themselves with
your system quicker
• Control doors and monitor alarms directly from the map
• Touch screen compatible
Two-Man Rule
Make sure at least 2 authorized employees are present when opening up sensitive areas or controlled substance / high value storage cabinets:
• Enable/disable this feature on command or by schedule
• Complete audit trail
• Emergency activation
Visitor Management
• Seamlessly integrate with popular EasyLobby visitor
management system
• Use built in optional functionality
Asset Tracking/Location
There are high value mobile assets within Health care organizations (from diagnostic to treatment). Wouldn’t it
be nice to know precisely where they are and to make sure unauthorized personnel is not allowed to re-locate it or take
it off site?
• Keep track of current location by monitoring entry points.
• Keep track of current location by continuous tag monitoring.
• Allow only specifically authorized persons to take equipment out of specific area.
Interactive Guard Tour
Making sure that guards visit all necessary tour stops and do it within allotted time can be difficult. It does not have to be with RBH Interactive Guard Tour System.
- • Allow concurrent tours
- • Monitor events live
- • Get notified of exceptions immediately

Making sure that only authorized individuals have access to the site and buildings can be a challenge. With many convenient features, RBH Access control products make it easy to provide security and control for even the most challenging sites
Disposable Codes
Create a single use or a single/multi-day code that can be given to patients, delivery persons, or other contractors.
- • No need for cards
- • Can’t forget to return them
- • Audit trail of use
- • Limiting permitted hours of access
Event log
Know who was where, an when. Flexible history reports make it easy
Access Control
Employee-only or off-hours areas will keep out patients and visitors, while providing easy access for doctors, nurses and the supporting staff:
- • Proximity Photo IDs
- • PIN Keypads
- • Iris Recognition Readers
- • In addition, you can use fingerprint readers and many other technologies supported by RBH
Photo ID
Create graphic IDs for your employees as well as frequent visitors and contractors. Just add a camera and a printer.
Web Based Management
Direct control by local management via Web browser (Safari, IE, Firefox, Chrome and many others)
- • Create limited accounts for individual departments to administer their employee and contractor cards/codes
- • Add / delete cards
- • Change access and unlocking schedules
- • Produce reports
- • Override doors remotely
Video Integration
Pop-up live video automatically, for example – someone’s card is not working. You can verify their identity visusally and open the door
Automate event review
history reports are linked to recorded video
Video history trail
Every event (door opening, door open too long, etc.) can generate a video pop-up or a single click playback of the event when integrated with a Digital Video Recorder (DVR), Network Video Recorder (NVR), or a Video Management System (VMS).
Event driven video integration
• Link a door activity to specifi c cameras
• Use your CCTV system as door bell
• Automate event playback
Email/Text Message Notification
Get more out of your roaming guards: If someone’s card is not working, or a door is left propped open, let the guard know about it instantly with the help of a cell phone or tablet.
Once on site. security issues can arise almost anywhere. To address them proactively, it is important to set up appropriate access and monitoring policies, and ensure easy access to reporting and playback for speedy investigations
Elevator Control
Control the floors in which employees only will be allowed to travel to via the elevator. Multiple confi gurations are available:
- • Best – Full multi-floor control: certain fl oor buttons are available for selection after the card is swiped or a code is entered
- • Good – Direct fl oor selection: a person will be taken directly to the fl oor they are assigned to after the card is swiped or a code is entered
- • OK – Call control: need to use a card to call the elevator, once inside, select any fl oor without restriction
Control at the Door
Expecting a delivery, a special event, cleaning or remodeling of an area? Changes to the lock/unlock and lock out functions of a door are normally controlled from a computer, requiring the security operator to be on site. RBH allows this control at the door, and by specifi cally designated staff members:
With proximity or fi ngerprint readers:
• 2-Swipe – present your card or fi nger twice in a row and lock-unlock doors as needed for deliveries and special events, for example. Need to lock the reception area before it is scheduled to lock automatically? – Double swipe!
• 4-Swipe - present your card or finger 4 times in a row and lock residents out of an area with wet floors or unsafe conditions. Another 4-swipe and everything goes back to normal mode of operation.
• 3, 5-swipe – automate anything: unlock all elevator floors, turn on/off lights or equipment, and an uncounted number of other options are at your command
With proximity reader with built in keypad:
Swipe your valid card or enter your security PIN,
followed by an action code – depending which code you use as specific command will be issued. You can do anything
covered by 2,3,4,5-swipe functions.
Visual Verification
As people swipe their card, RBH software can pull up the picture on fi le for the specifi ed card number.
• Added security – address stolen card issues
• Train your personnel to recognize key employees visually
• Help with greeting
Parking Control
RBH access controllers work with a wide range of devices that can allow access to authorized vehicles only:
• Uniquely coded button activated transmitters (clickers), allow secure encrypted transmission from up to 300 feet
• Long range proximity readers for vehicle mounted tags (windshield stickers, license plate bars, etc.) with a range of up to 15 feet
• Medium and short range proximity readers for cards presented by a driver through an open car window, range 3-24 inches
• Additional technologies supported: bar code scanners, license plate recognition, code keypads and many more.